Computer Science (BS)

Updated 12/22/24

Computer Science BS  program entrance consideration is based on the following:

Upon completion of the required courses for the first two years of the program, students may be accepted to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Degree program. 
A three- to five-member committee of BSCS faculty will be responsible for the student selections process. The admission decision shall be made based on the following criteria:
1)  Student Transcripts (40%)
Overall Grade Point Average (GPA) in required Computer Science courses for the first two year of the program.
2) Personal Essay (20%)
The personal essay allows students to share their reasons for pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree, their ability to contribute to the program, as well as the factors that led them to select Clark College for this degree program.
Example Prompt:   “In an essay of no more than 500 words, please share with the selection committee your reasons for pursuing a Computer Science degree, your ability to contribute to this program, as well as any factors that led you to select Clark College specifically to pursue this degree.”
3) Proficiency (40%)
Students are expected to write a  computer program in response to a provided problem statement using only pencil and paper, under supervision of selection committee or an appointee.  The program will be evaluated based on its algorithm, structure, and correctness of approach. Correctness of syntax is given minimal value in the evaluation.

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