Associate in Science – General (AST2)(Plan Code: PHST2AS)

Academic Plans, known as programs, include an overview description and a summary of program requirements. You can search the online catalog via the Academic Plan links on the right for a desired program or a specific course information. 

Students must earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA in order to qualify for graduation from Clark College and are encouraged to connect with their potential transfer institution to confirm GPA and course requirements to entry. It is recommended that students complete the sequenced science courses before transferring. 

General Education Requirements
Communication Skills
ENGL& 101English Composition I5
Quantitative Skills/Symbolic Reasoning Skills
MATH& 151Calculus I 15
MATH& 152Calculus II5
Humanities and Social Sciences
Humanities (HA) Course Options5
Social Sciences (SS) Course Options5
Select an additional five credits/units from Humanities (HA) or (HB) or Social Science (SS) courses5
Pre-Major Program Requirements
Complete Science with Lab or Math option and a Physics Sequence 225
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I (5 credits/units)
Choose one of the following Math Options:
Calculus III (5 credits/units)
Introduction to Stat
Choose one of the following Physics Options:
General Physics I
and General Physics Lab I
and General Physics II
and General Physics Lab II
and General Physics III (14 credits/units)
Engineering Physics I
and Engineering Phys Lab I
and Engineering Physics II
and Engineering Phys Lab II
and Engineering Physics III
and Engineering Phys Lab III (15 credits/units)
Remaining Credits/Units35
The remaining units should be planned with the help of an advisor based on the requirements of the specific discipline at the baccalaureate institution the student selects to attend
Courses from the following subject area may be used to satisfy this requirement
CHEM& (restricted to CHEM& 141 or higher)
MATH/MATH& (restricted to above MATH& 152)
Total Credits/Units90

Calculus I (MATH& 151) requires the successful completion of both Trigonometry (MATH 103) and College Algebra (MATH 110/MATH 111), or recommending score on an approved placement test prior to registration. 


Engineering Students must complete CHEM& 141 and CHEM& 151

Program Outcomes

Program outcomes are overarching skills that are emphasized and reinforced throughout several courses in a specific program; they are measurable statements that define what students should know or be able to do by the end of a certificate or degree at Clark College. After successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate progress toward healthier behaviors. (GE)
  • Obtain, evaluate, and ethically use information. (GE)
  • Articulate well-considered ideas and written claims to an academic audience, using effective rhetorical techniques, properly credited evidence, and a command of Standard English. (GE)
  • Interpret the human experience, within appropriate global and historical contexts, through evaluation, analysis, creation, or performance. (GE)
  • Evaluate, analyze, and explain events, behaviors, and institutions using perspectives and methods in the Social Sciences. (GE)
  • Analyze patterns of power, privilege, and inequity in the United States. (GE)
  • Analyze and interpret quantitative information presented verbally, graphically, numerically, and/or symbolically. (GE)
  • Apply communication theory to demonstrate effective oral communication skills.(GE)
  • Demonstrate and clearly explain an effective strategy to solve a quantitative problem. (GE)
  • Demonstrate understanding of the derivative as an instantaneous rate of change and the definite integral as a limit of a sum.
  • Apply fundamental principles and relationships from the Natural Sciences to analyze technological or scientific problems.
  • Apply scientific and technological knowledge and methodologies to creatively solve technological or scientific problems.
  • Acquire scientific and technological information from appropriate sources to examine issues, claims or situations.
  • Analyze and solve multi-step problems using techniques through single-variable calculus.

Program maps are a suggested academic plan and should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. Your student entry method, placement, course availability, and program requirements are subject to change and transfer credit(s) may change your map/plan.
To view the current suggested map for your program please visit our website