Japanese (JAPN/JAPN&)

Japanese Culture and Society
JAPN 171 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Introductory study of Japanese culture and society with various topics, including education, gender roles, and family structure. Emphasis on traditional elements that have shaped Japanese values such as history, religion, and art, as well as social changes and current social issues. Hands-on study is included such as Japanese etiquette, tea ceremony and calligraphy. [GE, SE]

Cooperative Work Experience
JAPN 199 1-8 Credits/Units

24.0 hours of clinical

Summer cooperative work experience in Japan. Requires use of Japanese language. Enroll in this course Spring quarter prior to participation abroad. [GE, SE]

Selected Topics
JAPN 280 1-5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Selected topics in Japanese. Topics vary and course theme and content change to reflect new topics. Because the course varies in content, it is repeatable for credit. Individual topics are listed in the term class schedules. [GE, SE]

Special Projects
JAPN 290 1-5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Opportunity to plan, organize and complete special projects approved by the department. [GE]

Japanese I
JAPN& 121 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Primary emphasis on oral communication with additional practice in basic reading and writing. Not open to native speakers except with instructor's permission. [GE, HA, SE]

Japanese II
JAPN& 122 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: JAPN& 121 (grade of "C" or higher)

Continuation of JAPN& 121. Not open to native speakers except with instructor's permission. [GE, HA, SE]

Japanese III
JAPN& 123 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: JAPN& 122 (grade of "C" or higher)

Continuation of JAPN& 122. Not open to native speakers except with instructor's permission. [GE, HA, SE]

Japanese IV
JAPN& 221 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: JAPN& 123 (grade of "C" or higher)

Continuation of First-Year Japanese: speaking, reading and writing with primary emphasis on oral communication. [GE, HA, SE]

Japanese V
JAPN& 222 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: JAPN& 221 (grade of "C" or higher)

Continuation of First-Year Japanese: speaking, reading and writing with primary emphasis on oral communication. [GE, HA, SE]

Japanese VI
JAPN& 223 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: JAPN& 222 (grade of "C" or higher)

Continuation of First-Year Japanese: speaking, reading and writing with primary emphasis on oral communication. [GE, HA, SE]