Digital Media Arts (DMA)

Photoshop Raster Graphics
DMA 101 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Fundamentals of digital imaging using Adobe Photoshop. Focus on visual problem solving and software techniques to capture, correct, create and combine images for print and digital media. Topics include image sourcing, resolution, tone and color correction, retouching, painting, image manipulation, compositing, animated graphics, design and production considerations. [GE]

Illustrator Vector Graphics
DMA 102 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Fundamentals of vector drawing using Adobe Illustrator. Focus on visual problem solving and software techniques to draw, trace, transform and create graphics for print and digital media. Topics include drawing tools, path editing, shape manipulation, object layering, line styling, brush textures, typography, gradient shading, patterns, design and production considerations. [GE]

Motion Graphics and Animation I
DMA 104 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Introduction to motion design and 2D animation principles. Use digital tools to create visual content and messaging for digital media communications. Focus on concept ideation, narrative structure, animated storytelling, motion infographics, dynamic typography, integration of audio/visual and special effects. Includes design and production considerations. [GE]

Professional Practices and Portfolio I
DMA 114 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Department consent required for enrollment. Examination of the digital media arts industry and practical experience in creating a personalized plan and portfolio. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the creative business market, professional practices, jobs, trends, technologies and opportunities. Activities include research, guest speakers, field trips, interviews, networking, online or in-person events, mid-program assessment, action planning, presentations and portfolio review. [GE]

Cooperative Work Experience
DMA 199 1-4 Credits/Units

12.0 hours of clinical

Supervised, work-based learning experience that enables students to demonstrate specialized occupational skills and knowledge. Specific learning objectives are developed by the College and the employer. Upon completion, employer and student evaluations are discussed. [GE]

Video and Sound Production I
DMA 201 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Introduction to video and sound production for online, mobile or digital media communication. Learn all aspects of the digital video workflow from pre-production context (concept, message, storyboard, scriptwriting) to production roles, methods and styles (narrative, documentary, persuasive, experimental) to post-production practices (video editing, audio and media integration, optimization and delivery platforms). [GE]

Video and Sound Production II
DMA 202 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Prerequisite: DMA 201 or CGT 201 (grade of "C" or higher)

Further study in digital video and sound production. Develop advanced proficiency to plan, produce and publish videos that tell a compelling story, provide informative or educational value and/or encourage a call to action. Focus on conceptual thinking, video composition, lighting design, audio editing, professional practices and promotional strategies. May include client projects or team-based experience. [GE]

Motion Graphics and Animation II
DMA 204 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Prerequisite: DMA 104 or CGT 104 (grade of "C" or higher)

Further study in motion design and 2D animation strategies. Develop advanced proficiency to convey message and meaning through storytelling and integrated motion media presentations. Focus on conceptual thinking, information design, professional practices and workflow, visual messaging and marketing considerations. May include client projects or team-based experience. [GE]

Professional Practices and Portfolio II
DMA 214 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Prerequisite: DMA 114 or CGT 214 (grade of "C" or higher) and Consent of Instructional Unit

Department consent required for enrollment. Continuation of professional practices and portfolio assessment. Industry research and strategic planning to develop individualized career paths or targeted higher education goals. Students learn about business considerations for freelancing or contract work, job search and employment strategies, and best practices for self-promotion and portfolio presentation. [GE]

Professional Studio Experience
DMA 215 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Department consent required for enrollment. Students gain practical experience working as freelancers or on collaborative teams to produce digital media solutions for real-world clients, such as community or campus organizations and non-profit work. Students seek out client projects, engage in critical thinking and problem-solving, present and pitch ideas, write proposals, communicate with clients, facilitate the iterative design and production process and evaluate quality and user feedback. [GE]