Education (EDUC/EDUC&)

Update made 5/28/24. See course corrections page for details.

Child Development
EDUC& 115 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Build foundation for explaining how children develop in all domains, conception through early adolescence. Explore various developmental theories, methods for documenting growth, and impact of brain development. Topics addressed stress, trauma, culture, race, gender identity, socioeconomic status, family status, language, and health issues. [SE]

Guiding Behavior
EDUC& 130 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Examine the principles and theories promoting social competence in young children and creating safe learning environments. Develop skills promoting effective interactions, providing positive individual guidance, and enhancing group experiences. [GE]

School Age Care
EDUC& 136 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Develop skills to provide developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant activities/care for children ages 5-12 in a variety of settings. Topics include: implementation of curriculum, preparation of environments, building relationships, guiding cognitive and social emotional development, and community outreach. [GE]

Child, Family, Community
EDUC& 150 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Integrate the family and community contexts in which a child develops. Explore cultures and demographics of families in society, community resources, strategies for involving families in the education of their child, and tools for effective communication. [GE, HR, SE]

Inclusive Education
EDUC& 204 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Introductory course in recognition and identification of exceptionality in children from birth through high school. Includes policies and regulations concerning state and federal provisions of special education and related services, as well as adaptations for serving students with special needs in general education classrooms. [GE]

Diversity in Education
EDUC& 240 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Students will explore diversity and social justice issues influencing educational settings. Students will examine in depth the historical and current impact of children's, teachers', and families' cultural, social and political context in schools. [GE, PPI, SE]