Health Information Management (HIM)

Legal & Ethical Aspects of Healthcare
HIM 101 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in, or completion of HIM 114 (grade of "C" or higher). Credit cannot be earned for this course and BMED 140.

Introduction to legal and ethical concepts with particular focus on health information management. General overview of US legal system as it pertains to healthcare. Highlighted information on HIPAA, ARRA, HITECH, and Federal Trade Commission's Red Flag Rule. Topics include liability of hospital and providers of care as well as current pertinent legislation, legal status of medical staff, access to health information, laws relating to ethical issues, and court orders. [GE]

Introduction to Pathophysiology
HIM 112 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: AH 100, AH 104, and AH 110 (grades of "C" or higher)

Introduction to the general mechanisms of systemic disease including etiology, physical signs and symptoms. Etiology focus will include infectious mechanisms, hereditary contributions, external physical agents and autoimmune conditions. Discussions of differences between disease and illness to include basic principles of pharmacology laboratory and diagnostic tests, overview of common therapies, prognosis and public health issues. [GE]

HIM 113 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: AH 110 (grade of "C" or higher).

Introduction to the basics of medication administration including trade and generic names of prescription and over-the-counter medications commonly prescribed, medication classifications, routes of administration, dosages, effects and implications and appropriate methods of documentation. [GE]

Medical Office Administrative Procedures
HIM 114 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Prerequisite: AH 100, AH 104, and AH 110 (grades of "C" or higher)

Introduction to medical office administrative positions. Gain introductory administrative competencies compliant with health information management standards. The lab portion includes medical office competencies and relevant electronic medical records software. [GE]

Medical Coding I
HIM 130 4 Credits/Units

4.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: AH 100 and AH 110 (grades of "C" or higher)

Introductory instruction and practice of diagnostic and procedural coding for outpatient health care settings. Exploration of guidelines, conventions, symbols, terminology, medical necessity, and methods of ICD and CPT code sets. Step-by-step guidance provided through health record case studies. [GE]

Revenue Cycle Management
HIM 131 4 Credits/Units

4.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: AH 100 and AH 110 (grades of "C" or higher)

A comprehensive study of the revenue cycle management, health insurance terminology, insurance plans, health insurance claim forms, and reimbursement methodologies for outpatient and inpatient healthcare services. Topics include, introducing how medical coding is part of the reimbursement cycle, HIPAA compliance issues, fraud and abuse. Step by step guidance for proper completion of billing forms by means of homework exercises and case studies. [GE]

Health Information Governance
HIM 201 5 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Prerequisite: HIM 114 and HIM 232 (grades of "C" or higher).

Introduction to foundational concepts of health information management and data content structures & standards. Topics include: clinical vocabularies & classification system; health record documentation requirements; data accuracy & integrity; data integration & interoperability; and the needs for data, information standards and data management policies & procedures. [GE]

Health Care Quality
HIM 202 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: HIM 201 (grade of "C" or higher).

Introduction to the principles, processes and procedures associated with measuring, managing and improving quality in the delivery of health care, health services and health care management. Presenting various national efforts, systems and tools used in quality assessment, performance, improvement and measurement. [GE]

Medical Office Practicum
HIM 206 3 Credits/Units

1.0 hours of lecture / 6.0 hours of clinical

Prerequisite: HIM 101, HIM 130, HIM 131, and HIM 232 (grades of "C" or higher).

Practicum experience in medical office administrative and/or revenue cycle management functions utilizing medical record technologies in a classroom simulation and/or under the direct supervision of facility personnel in local health care facilities. [GE]

Health Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use
HIM 211 5 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Prerequisite: BUS 169, HIM 201 and MATH& 146 (grades of "C" or higher).

Introduction to health informatics, the application of computers, communication and information technologies combined with systems used in problem solving, decision making to improve health and health care. Topics include a survey of history, basic knowledge of health informatics, data management, standards and tools used in the support of health care delivery. Emphasis on impact of information technology on the health care industry and vice versa. Intended as a survey of the emerging field of health informatics to learn its significance, its breadth, and its opportunities. Group activities around data mining and analyzing. [GE]

Health Organization, Management & Leadership
HIM 215 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: HIM 211 (grade of "C" or higher).

Introduction to managerial skills and behaviors applied to components of health care organizations at several levels including: individual, interpersonal, group, intergroup, system, and inter-organization; managerial challenges faced by health care managers and skills essential for successfully planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Topics include strategic and operational planning, human resource management, motivation, communication, conflict resolution, organizational structures, health care budgeting and finance. [GE]

Professional Practice Experience
HIM 226 3 Credits/Units

1.0 hours of lecture / 6.0 hours of clinical

Prerequisite: HIM 201, HIM 202, and HIM 211 (grades of "C" or higher).

Practicum experience in health information management functions utilizing medical record technologies in a classroom simulation and/or under the direct supervision of facility personnel in local health care facilities. [GE]

Medical Coding II
HIM 232 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: HIM 112 and HIM 130 (grades of "C" or higher).

Intermediate application of diagnostic and procedural coding systems ICD, CPT, and HCPCS. Continuation of concepts covered in Medical Coding I, HIM 130. Topics include content and structure of diagnostic and procedural coding systems, steps for abstracting information from health records, coding problem solving, and compliance with national coding guidelines. [GE]

Medical Coding III & Coding Exam Prep
HIM 233 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: HIM 113 and HIM 232 (grades of "C" or higher).

Advanced application of diagnostic and procedural coding systems. In depth application of ICD, CPT, HCPCS, and PCS. Topics include medical coding problem solving and measures for data quality and compliance, diagnostic related groups (DRGs), and other prospective payment systems. Credentialing exam prep is integrated throughout the course with emphasis on body systems, pathophysiology and pharmacology. [GE]

Selected Topics
HIM 280 1-4 Credits/Units

4.0 hours of lecture

Selected topics in Health Information Management. Topics vary and course theme and content change to reflect new topics. Because the course varies in content, it is repeatable for credit. Individual topics are listed in the term class schedules. [GE]