Women's Studies (WS)

Introduction to Women's Studies
WS 101 5 Credits/Units

5 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in, or completion of ENGL& 101 (grade of "C" or higher)

Contemporary feminist theory analyzing systems of power, privilege and inequity particularly with respect to gender, race, class, sexuality, age, and ability. Topics may include women and gender socialization, family, work, politics, health, sexuality, body image, violence, spirituality, art, and culture. Fulfills either Humanities or Social Science distribution requirements for the A.A. transfer degree. [GE, HA, PPI, SE, SS]

Women Across Cultures-Women's Studies
WS 201 5 Credits/Units

5 hours of lecture

A feminist analysis of the economic, reproductive, political, and religious factors that contribute to women's lower status and power in major world areas today. Through the lens of gender and its intersection with race, class, and sexual orientation, examine some of the similarities and differences in women's lives around the world. Through the contexts of colonialism, globalization, media representation, and migration, study global women's issues by examining how the power of wealthy, industrialized nations affects those in poor or post-colonial nations, as well as systemically non-dominant groups within the U.S. [GE, HA, SE, SS]

Women, Arts, and Culture-Women's Studies
WS 210 5 Credits/Units

5 hours of lecture

Examines how women have been represented in western culture and how female artists, writers, filmmakers, crafters and musicians have responded to such depictions and created their own work. Through a sampling of women's stories, history, art, music, and films, we will consider issues of representation and how they are shaped by the dynamics of gender, race, class, sexuality, ability status, gender identity, and other factors. We will also explore the possibilities of a "women's" culture through an examination of particular historical communities. [GE, HA, SE, SS]

Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality-Women's Studies
WS 220 5 Credits/Units

5 hours of lecture

Prerequisite: WS 101 (grade of "C" or higher)

Studies the social construction of difference, inequality and privilege in race, class, gender, sex, and sexual orientation in the U.S. Examines how these categories are created, maintained, and experienced; how meaning is assigned to those categories; and how social constructions can be challenged. [GE, PPI, SE, SS][PNP]

Racism & White Privilege In The U.S.-Women's Studies
WS 225 3 Credits/Units

3 hours of lecture

Critical examination of racism and white privilege in the U.S. analyzing systems of power, privilege and inequity; racial identity; and intercultural competence. [GE, PPI, SE, SS][PNP]

Selected Topics
WS 280 1-3 Credits/Units

3 hours of lecture

Selected topics in Women's Studies. Topics vary and course theme and content change to reflect new topics. Because the course varies in content, it is repeatable for credit. Individual topics are listed in the term class schedules. [GE, SE]

Special Projects
WS 290 1-5 Credits/Units

5 hours of lecture

Opportunity to plan, organize and complete special projects approved by the department. [GE]