Drama (DRMA/DRMA&)

Acting I - Drama
DRMA 140 4 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture / 2.0 hours of lab

Techniques and principles of acting. [GE, HB, SE]

Acting II - Theatre
DRMA 141 4 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture / 2.0 hours of lab

Prerequisite: DRMA 140 (grade of "C" or higher)

Continuation of DRMA 140. Emphasis on scene study, characterization, and period styles of acting. [GE, HB, SE]

Basic Stagecraft
DRMA 150 4 Credits/Units

2.0 hours of lecture / 4.0 hours of lab

Principles and techniques of scenery construction and painting. Students will also learn the use of shop tools. [GE, HB, SE]

Stage Make-Up
DRMA 152 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Design and application of stage make-up. Formerly THEA 152. [GE, HB, SE]

Introduction to Cinema
DRMA 154 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

An introductory course in film history, production techniques, aesthetics, and the social impact of the American film industry from 1900 to the present. [GE, HA, SE]

Cooperative Work Experience
DRMA 199 1-5 Credits/Units

15.0 hours of clinical

Supervised work experience in an approved job. Completion of specific learning objectives and employer evaluation. [GE]

Stage Lighting Design
DRMA 250 3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Techniques and principles of stage and TV lighting design. Use of instruments and light control systems with a special emphasis on computerized light control. [GE, HB, SE]

Introduction to Script Analysis
DRMA 254 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Close analysis and study of dramatic literature texts in terms of structure, genre, style, character, themes, language, and dramatic action. Plays are examined from the point of view of the actor, director, designer, producer, critic, scholar, writer, and audience. [GE, SE][PNP]

Selected Topics
DRMA 280 1-3 Credits/Units

3.0 hours of lecture

Selected topics in Drama. Topics vary and course theme and content change to reflect new topics. Because the course varies in content, it is repeatable for credit. Individual topics are listed in the term class schedules. [GE, SE]

Special Projects
DRMA 290 1-5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Opportunity to plan, organize and complete special projects approved by the department in the areas of stage direction, scene lighting, costume design, make-up design, production or theatre history. [GE]

Theatre Appreciation
DRMA& 101 5 Credits/Units

5.0 hours of lecture

Survey key theories, movements, and figures in theatre history with an emphasis on Western Theatre. Focuses on plays representative of systemically nondominant populations. Emphasizes the roles of director, actor, designer, and playwright in production. [GE, HA, SE]